Friday, April 11, 2008

NAC Updates

I want to apologize for the lack of posts over the past couple of months. I have been out performing NAC Deployments non-stop.

I thought I would kick things off by offering some updates on the latest software release. Look for more custom check and best practice posts soon. Also, if anyone has any requests on something they would like to see posted about let me know!

Cisco Clean Access Agent
Some updates to the original Agent has been made, refer to the release notes for all enhancements, bug fixes, etc.

Cisco NAC Profiler 2.1.8-37
On April 7th, Cisco released an upgrade to NAC Profiler.
Release Notes | Documentation

Cisco NAC Guest Server 1.1.0
Cisco released an upgrade to the Guest Server. Check out the documentation for all enhancements/fixes
Release Notes | Documentation